If you want to go on your own African Safari on Google Earth, here are the coordinates:
Buffalos (Tanzania): 4??17'21.49" S 31??23'46.46" E / Camels (Chad): 15??17'40.32" N 20??28'47.42" E
Elephants (Chad): 10??54'13.66" N 19??56'06.15" E / Flamingos (Mozambique): 21??50'36.15" S 35??27'00.60" E
Hippos (Tanzania): 6??53'53.00" S 31??11'15.40" E / also: 6??54'00.10" S 31??11'11.67" E
Oryx (Namibia): 24??57'18.60" S 15??51'30.61" E / Seals (Namibia): 18??26'45.45" S 12??00'44.20" E
(Make sure to Zoom In to see them clearly.)